Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Canseco targets A-Rod in new book

Won't or can't Jose Canseco just go away?  The answer to that seems to be an emphatic "NO."

The former Oakland Athletic slugger has a new book coming out and, apparently, is targeting a star of today's game...Yankees' 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez.  Canseco alleges that he introduced Rodriguez to a steroid distributor and that Rodriguez was trying to sleep with Canseco's wife.  Although Canseco says he never injected ARod himself, but says "he introduced Alex to a known supplier of steroids."  Doesn't mean ARod took anything or was injected, so why make accusations he can't back up?

Now, this whole story comes from a free lance writer, Joe Lavin, who says he picked up Canseco's book at a bookstore in Cambridge, Mass but the book isn't due to be released until April 1st.

What I find so hilarious about this whole situation is, Canseco thinks he's going baseball a favor by outing these so called "steroid users," and that he's "saving baseball," but didn't he cause this problem in the first place?  So why is he trying to take credit for it?

You hope people are smart enough not to put more money in his pocket by picking up his book, but there are those people who just have to know who took steroids and who injected who.  

Can't Jose just go away....probably not.

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