Friday, January 18, 2008

Congress wants to meet with Clemens on Jan. 26th

According to an AP report, Roger Clemens was asked to appear in front of congress, in regards to the Mitchell Report, on January 26th.

Letters were sent to Clemens, Brian McNamee and 3 others on Friday by Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Republican Tom Davis.

Part of the letter to Clemens said the following, "The committee asks that you provide testimony about allegations in Senator George Mitchell's report ... that you and other Major League Baseball players used performance enhancing drugs during your professional baseball career."

I'm not saying that Clemens did take steroids or HGH, but if he did and he admitted as much after the story broke, would the story be as big as it is now? Would the media still be asking Clemens about it, would there have been a "60 Minutes" interview? I guess we'll never know.

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